The Necropolis Series – A Mix Between The Office & American Psycho

It’s been the best part of a year since I last wrote a blog post. The time has just flown by. That’s me aboard my new wheels. As you can probably guess from the ride-on mower, I reside in the countryside. But I used to live in London.
At some point in all our lives, an experience has led to us embarking on a new path. The Necropolis Series (Aug. 30) has its origins in my young adulthood. At the time, I was getting into darkly humorous Transgressive Fiction (e.g. American Psycho, Fight Club). As luck would have it, my reading matter coincided with a stint working in the public sector for a local council. The insipid work and uninspiring environment contrasted markedly with my burgeoning reading habit. This fed into my innate sardonic nature.
Years later, when I moved to the country and started writing in earnest, this indelible period was to manifest itself in the creation of the Necropolis Series’ protagonist – cultured council worker and compulsive murderer, Dyson Devereux. He’s sort of my alter-ego. Only I’m not as sociopathic, or suave.
In #1 Necropolis our anti-hero is running the Burials and Cemeteries department at Newton Council, a less than salubrious fictional borough in Greater London that is a world away from Knightsbridge. He revels in his caustic observations levelled at his mundane colleagues, who are oblivious to his dark past.
#1 Necropolis, #2 Sepultura, #3 Golgotha (Relaunching on Aug. 30)
#4 Emergence is being unleashed later this year.
Click here to join me on Facebook. Hope to see you over there. Enjoy the rest of your week.
Hi Guy! So happy to see you here again. I hope your “year away” was good to you. Looking forward to reading more from you in the coming days.
Good to hear from you, Tara. Hope all is well in Alaska, and that you have escaped the searing heat that has been blighting most of the planet. It was 40C one day here
in the UK. Never thought I’d live to see the day. This sounds a bit fickle, but I’m just back for a bit to talk about my books. Not sure many people are going to stop by my blog after all this time away, but one can only try. Something had to give. I’ve been busy what with relaunching the three part series and working on three more books to bring out in quick succession, with any luck. One of which is part of the series. Will drop by soon. Guy
It’s funny because just about two weeks ago I was thinking about looking through your books and seeing which one I wanted to read next. I sure enjoyed Mangetout.
For us here in Alaska, it seems everything has been one month early, so May weather in April, June weather in May, etc etc. It’s feeling like autumn now.
Autumn already, Tara. Do polar bears come as far south as where you are later in the year? That might seem like a rather random question, but I’m intrigued. I’m flattered you
were thinking about my books. Would you like to join my mailing list? Please say yes, I take rejection really badly.
Yes! Put me on your mailing list for sure. at gmail.
I live down on the Kenai Peninsula, in south central Alaska, which is roughly the size of Scotland. Polar bears don’t range very far away from the northern shoreline way way way north. Here we have grizzly bears and black bears. I’m glad because polar bears are terrifying!!!!