Cambodia – The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
I’ve been out in Cambodia briefly. A strange time to travel what with the global epidemic, but I needed a break from the relentless rain. As for the trip, it was good, bad and ugly. In hindsight I probably wouldn’t have chosen to spend much of my time in Sihanoukville on the Cambodian coast. The city is in the process of being turned into a Chinese gambling destination. Or at least it was – the coronavirus has resulted in many would-be Chinese tourists staying at home. And due to an online casino gambling ban, the majority of the 100+ casinos are closed for now.

Unbeknown to me, the city had just been dug up in order to build new roads and water pipes, resulting in the place resembling a post-Apocalyptic nightmare. All western tourist amenities (bars etc.) have been bulldozered.

It is a dirty, dusty and unforgiving environment. No fun for the city’s residents, especially those with respiratory complaints. If and when the Chinese reappear in numbers, their navy and air force are expected to join them.

Factory-bound workers.

Fortunately, the resort I was staying at was on the edge of town. It was by and large fairly pleasant.

There are islands off Sihanoukville. I made a couple of day trips to one of them – Koh Rong Samloem. This idyllic paradise felt a world away from the urban nightmare.

I also spent a few day in the capital, Phnom Penh. My activities included a cruise on the Mekong. It wasn’t the most scenic of cruises.

The Royal Palace proved to be a more ascetically pleasing outing.

Pigeons beside the Mekong in downtown Phnom Penh.

Once you get away from the main thoroughfares, much of the city is a rubbish-strewn dump.

Octopus and a beer.

Tawdry, ill-advised advertising.

A delicious crab soup.

These oriental-style ribs were exceptionally good.

A ‘Boutique Hotel’ (see middle)

Phnom Penh’s Golden Temple.

I hope you enjoyed my whistle-stop tour of Sihanoukville and Phnom Penh. See you next week.