7 Books for 7 Moods
Our choice of book often depends on our frame of mind. My favourite genres are transgressive fiction and satire, but I am an eclectic reader, who is prone to select a given book according to my mood. Here are 7 books for 7 different moods/states of mind. Click on the links to read my reviews.
Are you are feeling Lazy? Then why not try:
Evil Twins by John Glatt
Utilising a tabloid journalistic approach, Evil Twins is a true crime book, which is divided into 12 sections, each dedicated to a different set of ‘evil’ twins. It spawned a television series of the same name. Click here to read my review.
My Opinion: Eminently readable sensationalist tripe.
Feeling Intellectual? You might like:
Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse
Steppenwolf is a complex book that achieved cult status in the 1960s when it was embraced by the counter-culture. Its protagonist, the reclusive intellectual Harry Haller, is in the midst of a prolonged mid-life crisis. Click here to read my review.
My Opinion: A rewarding and challenging read.
Want to be shocked?
Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk
A group of writers are attending a writers group in an isolated theatre with no access to the outside world. The book takes the form of a series of controversial and harrowing short stories. Click here to read my review.
My Opinion: An extreme but intelligent commentary on the human psyche.
Feeling like some light entertainment?
Fire In The Hole by Elmore Leonard
This is a compilation of 9 short, authentic and atmospheric, American-based, crime-themed stories. The book is named after its longest title, Fire In The Hole, the inspiration for the television series Justified. Click here to read my review.
My Opinion: A compelling introduction to this crime-writing maestro’s work.
In a historically-inclined mood?
King Leopold’s Ghost by Adam Hochschild
In 1885 King Leopold II took control of an area of land nearly 20 times the size of his home country of Belgium. This is a compelling and disturbing tale of corruption and greed. Click here to read my review.
My Opinion: Strongly recommended for those interested in African history.
For those desiring sleep might I suggest:
Confessions of an English Opium-Eater by Thomas De Quincey
Published in 1821, Confessions of an English Opium-Eater is widely regarded as being the forefather of addiction literature. The book embraces an ornate prose style and grandiloquent use of language. Click here to read my review.
My Opinion: Reading this was comparable to struggling through sinking mud.
For those wishing to be disturbed:
The Killer Inside Me by Jim Thompson
The Killer Inside Me is a thought provoking and unrelentingly bleak first person narrative about a highly intelligent, manipulative and cold-blooded psychopath by the name of Lou Ford. Click here to read my review.
My Opinion: Suspenseful and deeply disturbing.
Good selection! Haunted sure does shock & The Killer Inside Me does disturb. Steppenwolf is real hard work. Think I’ve said before I’m not a Hesse fan. Read a couple of his books in German back in school. Might try Fire In The Hole, thanks for recommendation.
I was mildly intrigued by the two Hesse books I’ve read (Steppenwolf & Siddhartha). Hope you get a chance to read Fire in the Hole. As I mentioned in my review it is a reissue of an old title, When the Women Come Out to Dance. But if you are yet to read any Leonard that shouldn’t concern you. I know it annoyed some of his fans, who got the false impression that Fire in the Hole was a new release.
A great idea for a blog post, Guy. I mostly read thrillers and sagas although I have tried other genres from time to time.
Thanks Heather. I know you like thrillers. Hope the writing is going well.