Guy Portman's Blog

10 Ludicrous Books

This week sees the second and final instalment in my bizarre book series highlights. Here are 10 bizarre/ludicrous book titles.


Jogging With Jesus


There is a peculiar man on the front cover, but no sign of Jesus.


25 Placenta Recipes

Finally! I have grown tired of plain boiled placentas.


Natural Harvest: A collection of semen-based recipes


That caramel pudding on the front cover is enough to put one off semen-based recipes for life.


Make Your Own Sex Toys

Could they not have come up with a more amorous front cover.


Innards And Other Variety Meats



Semenology: The Semen Bartender’s Handbook


Let this book be a warning to all those who treat bartenders badly.


Cards As Weapons

Using cards as throwing stars can be very useful when you are poised to lose money on a card game.


The Goldflower Book of Business Greetings

Ever wondered why you always fail interviews? Next time you have an interview, try introducing yourself with the above handshake.


Beat Your Way to the Top: Masturbation as a technique for business success

CEO: ‘Jesus Christ put it away! What the %$@* do you think you’re doing?’

Junior Employee: ‘Just beating my way to the top.’


Walmart Atlas

What with a new Walmart springing up every five seconds, presumably Walmart Atlases date pretty quickly.



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