Writing, World Cup and More Besides
It hasn’t rained here in the South of England for days on end, which is unusual. If it doesn’t rain soon my garden will start looking like the Sahel.
Last weekend I formed an ingenious plan to make a small fortune out of the World Cup. This was to be achieved by several cunningly-devised accumulator style bets. I was left seething when the Germans laid waste to my plans by losing to South Korea. I am done with World Cup betting. I said that last World Cup and the one before that.
Work continues on my next book. Tomorrow’s World is a darkly humorous, satirical book of vignettes about the future. Themes include hyper capitalism, virtual reality, extreme celebrity worship, a grotesquely ageing population and an ever-increasing mandatory retirement age. I will be releasing more information in due course.
I am continuing to offer everyone a free copy of my satirical black comedy, Necropolis. Necropolis is the first part in a proposed trilogy featuring punctilious sociopath Dyson Devereux. Click here to claim your Free copy (Mobi, Epub & PDF). Part Two: Sepultura, was released earlier this year.
Click here to see the 82 ratings & reviews for Necropolis on Goodreads.
What is a sociopath to do?
A sociopath can only keep up a façade for so long.
I wonder how long it will be till the hosepipe ban is announced (that’s if it hasn’t been already – I haven’t been keeping up with the news recently). Tomorrow’s World sounds like it will be a good read.
Are you telling me it’s not even raining in Manchester, Heather? Have a good weekend.
Unlucky with the accumulators! Germany were rubbish. Can’t believe Neuer abandoned his goal like that. Long last the sunny weather.
It was bizarre Trina. Have a good weekend.
Sorry about the Germans upsetting your plans. They tend to do that at times. Hope your weekend is terrific. Good luck on the book.
Thanks John. Hope your weekend goes better than anticipated.