My Reading Plans
I have fallen a bit behind with my reading of late. I’m blaming Netflix. To date I have read only two books in 2019. However, I have ordered some more from the antichrist that is Amazon. No doubt many of you are sticking to eBooks these days, but I am going through a paperback phase and as I don’t have a good bookshop near me, online is the best option. The break from staring at a screen is welcome. Anyway, without further ado here are the books I have lined up.
As an avid fan of dark fiction, this iconic work has been on my radar for quite some time now. No doubt some of you have already read it. Child of God will be my next read.
Despite being a long term eclectic reader, I am yet to read anything by the legendary American author Philip Roth. That is poised to change.
This compilation of short stories has been recommended to me. I wasn’t overly enthused with the only Murakami book I have read to date, but I have high hopes for this one.
Another Roth, but this time it’s Joseph. I am a big fan of this Austro-Hungarian Jewish novelist who only came to prominence in the English-speaking world in recent years. His melancholic tone appeals to me. You can find reviews of two of his books, including his seminal work The Radetzky March, in the review section of my blog.
Happy reading.
Child of God is a good one Guy. You’ll like it.
So far so good, Trina. I started it five minutes ago.
All look great, Guy. Have a super weekend.
Thank you John. You too.
You certainly do have eclectic taste in books, Guy. Enjoy!
I will, Heather.