5 Books For 5 Moods
This is the latest instalment in my books for different moods series. Here are 5 books for 5 moods/different states of mind. Click on the links to read my reviews.
Desiring Transgressive Fiction? Then why not give this a go:
Marabou Stork Nightmares

This is an inventive book, boasting parallel stories and different levels of awareness. It is narrated by Roy Strang from the hospital where he is lying in a coma. Click here to read my review.
In the mood for a satirical classic? Well you may have read it already …
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is a satire of American southern antebellum society that parodies religion, morality, literature and above all the practice of slavery. Click here to read my review.
In the mood for something philosophical? Is so, this might appeal:
The Plague

The Plague is an existentialist classic that evaluates morality, the role of God and how we react to death. Its narrative tone and poetic prose style of prose will appeal to some. Click here to read my review.
In the mood for something intellectual, but you don’t have much time? Well, this could be the answer:
Chess by Stefan Zweig

The game of Chess offers the prospect of salvation, but also the threat of dissolution in this psychological novella, which explores the delicate divide that separates genius from madness. Click here to read my review.
In the mood to be disturbed? If so, then you are in luck:
Child Of God

Set in a rugged and unforgiving landscape,Child of God is a tautly written and concise work of ‘country noir’. Themes include loneliness and necrophilia. Click here to read my review.
In the mood for some dark humour? Then why not try:

Brutal, bleak and darkly comical, Necropolis is a satirical work featuring sociopath and public sector worker Dyson Devereux. Necropolis is the first instalment in a trilogy. Click here to see its Goodreads page.
Hey. You discounted seven books for seven moods by 14.285%. Good choices though. Happy weekend, Guy
You noticed, John. It was inevitable. Have a good weekend.