12 Hilarious One Star Book Reviews
It has been a while since I devoted a blog post to hilarious one star book reviews. Here are 12 more one star book reviews that I find amusing and I hope you will too.

The Iliad by Homer – ‘You may have seen the movie Troy with Brad Pitt as Achilles, but it is quite different than the book.’
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë – ‘Wuthering Heights is the worst! Everyone is mean and it has an awful ending …’
The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck – ‘Though I’ve read many bad books, none can compare with this trite, contrived piece of work.’
A Room With a View by E.M. Forster – ‘Please don’t waste your time on this book. Read something from Michael Crichton instead.’
The Bible – ‘If you can stomach the genocide, infanticide, rape and killings then the Bible is for you. I will be sticking to Game of Thrones.’
Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë – ‘This book reminds me of one of those really old stinky cheeses.’
The Sound and the Fury by William Faulkner – ‘Please, don’t insult my intelligence.’
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens – ‘HORRID!!! This book was literally the worst thing that’s happened in my whole entire life.’
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley – ‘If you like really long, detailed, poorly written soap operas you may like this book.’
Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy –
‘How can anybody like this book? Whoever said this is the best classic ever written must be truly brain-dead. What could be enjoyable about a book that primarily consists of a guide on:
a) how to cut grass,
b) how to hunt bear, and
c) how to abandon your own kid for a gigolo.
If I wanted all that stuff I would have read Farmers Almanac.’
Moby Dick by Herman Melville – ‘Had Melville cut this book down to about 25 pages, that would be bearable.’
Les Misérables by Victor Hugo – ‘It’s just a black hole of time …’
Haha, I always enjoy these. I find the one about Les Miserables particularly funny. I went to see it at the theatre and was bored rigid. I also agree with the verdict on Anna Karenina.
That makes two of us, Heather. I sat through Les Miserables as a child and found it fairly tedious. Got to disagree with you and the reviewer about Anna Karenina. That is one classic tome that I did enjoy.
Some funny ones here, Guy. Totally agree with what that reviewer had to say about Moby Dick.
Moby Dick is one arduous read, though I did appreciate some of it.
I have to agree with a lot of these. I read Moby Dick a couple of years ago and had to fight my way through it. Thanks for th elaughs, Guy. Happy weekend.
You too, John.