It’s That Friday Feeling
No, that’s not for you …

It’s been a mixed Friday so far. On the plus side, I ate a delicious chicken wrap from the local Indian restaurant and scrawled out 1k words of what I am tentatively calling my work in progress. On a less positive note, I managed to put a massive crack in my computer screen. Having carried it successfully downstairs, I cracked it when putting it down on my desk. The crack puts in the shade the smaller crack the computer ‘repair’ shop made to it the other day. Considering the hell I gave them for their unprofessionalism, it seems only fair that I give myself a hard time too.

The good news is it still works. Here’s a breakfast I ate earlier in the week. England might have a poor culinary reputation, but you can’t beat English Breakfasts.

Like Dyson Devereux, the protagonist in the Necropolis Trilogy, I am a big fan of Italian delicacies. This week I indulged in a fair few.

These truffles (tartufo) proved to be particularly delicious.

I am also a fan of less sophisticated fare. Take the kebab I was poised to eat last weekend when the doorbell rang. On returning to the kitchen, I discovered my dog had eaten near on all of it save for a piece of tomato.

Is that the time? Best be getting to the supermarket. The fun never stops. Have a good weekend.