Necropolis: New Front Cover and Blurb Reveal
Today, I am pleased to unveil the new front cover and blurb for Necropolis – part one in the recently completed Necropolis Trilogy. Initially, when the darkly humorous crime novel was released back in 2014, I was satisfied with the front cover the designer came up with. But, I recently came to the conclusion that not enough was going on with it and that it was too simple to draw readers in; in the droves at any rate. My feeling is the new cover better encapsulates the book’s content especially when viewed as a thumbnail, which is how prospective buyers will generally view the thing. Here is the new cover:

Necropolis’ blurb also required a makeover. Fortunately, friend, stand-up comedian and sometime copywriter Adam Riley came up with a much improved version. With any luck readers will approve.
The new blurb:

Have a good weekend.
Excellent cover, Guy. I reviewed both Symbosis and Golgotha on Amazon US. Here are the links Have a great weekend.
That’s great news, John. Thank you so much.
Loved Necropolis. The new cover’s awesome. Can’t remember what the original blurb was but this one’s good.
Pleased you like them, Trina. Have a good weekend.