This week’s been all downhill as far as the Covid-19 situation is concerned. Well, perhaps that’s not entirely true. China are claiming they have no new cases of the virus; but other than that it’s all pretty bleak. It wasn’t so many weeks ago that an Italian was telling me that her country was being their usual overly-dramatic selves in their response to the coronavirus problem. Italy’s body count now exceeds China’s.
As for me, I made another trip to the supermarket this week.

I guess many of you have been facing a similar situation. On the bright side, I did manage to get some (non-supermarket) loo roll. 85p a roll – it’s designer.

And the good news didn’t end there. Another shop even had eggs. Happy days.

This weekend, I was supposed to be working at a sporting event (UFC at the O2) but it has since been cancelled – the latest victim in this post-Apocalyptic sporting landscape. The question is, will the Olympics go ahead? This made me laugh:

My dog’s life hasn’t changed much. He still goes for walks, sleeps, eats, and watches Netflix.

I haven’t been hoarding dog food deliberately; it just comes in 15kg bags.
My fellow humans are meant to be reading more now they, or many of them anyway, are in self-isolation. Well if they are, they’re not reading my darkly humorous offerings. Or perhaps this is just the calm before the storm.