The 5 Books I’ve Read Recently
The last few months I have been concentrating on my own writing (more on that next week). I am currently taking a short hiatus from my fiction writing and catching up with some other stuff, including reviews of books that I’ve read. Here are the five books that I have read recently. Three of them are my typical dark fiction/dark humour fare, while the other two aren’t. Click on the links to read my reviews.
Disaster Inc.

Disaster Inc is the first instalment in a series by former Irish stand-up comedian and successful television writer Caimh McDonnell.
My Review: Bunny McGarry is an Irishman in America on a mission to find someone. Hungover one morning, he is having breakfast at a diner, when …(more)
My Opinion: Funny but convoluted.
Six Days: How the 1967 War Shaped the Middle East

Through its numerous interviews, journalist Bowen imbues his account of the conflict with a personal touch.
My Review: Over a six-day period in 1967, Israel fought and defeated an Arab coalition consisting of Egypt, Jordan and Syria. Tensions had been …(more)
My Opinion: Interesting and too long.
My Sister, The Serial Killer

The intriguing premise, darkly humorous elements and dialogue-heavy content make for an enduring combination.
My Review: Twins Koredie and Ayoola are very different. Conscientious Korede is a senior nurse in a hospital while the beautiful Ayoola is …(more)
My Opinion: Lives up to the hype.

Walden, which comprises the vast majority of this book, is an account of the author’s two years living in the New England wilderness.
My Review: This Collins Classics publication consists of two works in one. The latter, Civil Disobedience, is a pamphlet-length, instrumental anarchist …(more)
My Opinion: Onerous yet rewarding.
Blood Meridian

Set in the 1800’s, Blood Meridian is an episodic book, which is almost unparalleled in its misanthropy and repugnant content.
My Review: ‘The Kid’ is a fourteen-year-old hailing from a Tennessean backwater. Following an ill-fated stint as a conscript in a …(more)
My Opinion: Bleak and exceptional.
I love your opinions. Guy. They are the best part of your review. Have a super weekend.
Thanks John, you too, what’s left of it
Blood Meridian is incredible.
It sure is, Jason.