Sunsets, Sunrises & Prizes To Be Won.
The moon made an appearance a little after 15:30 the other day. It’s that time of year.

This was a spectacular sunrise to wake up to on Wednesday morning.

Are you interested in winning a bundle of crime fiction and a new Ereader? If you are a member of BookBub, you are eligible to enter. The books include one of mine. Here is the link:
Win a Bundle of Crime Fiction & Thrillers!

2020 might be the second hottest year ever on record, but it’s pretty chilly here at the moment. Perfect weather to enjoy a latte in front of a twenty quid electric faux fire from Amazon.

Don’t know about you, but I am big fan of pigeon breast salad. Few virtually no carb meals taste as good. Here’s one I prepared earlier.

It had been a while since I ate pancakes.

The dog’s had a few treats too. Here he is poised to tuck into a pig’s ear.

This is the time of year to be merry. It is also the time of year to do pruning. I have pruned my trees by hand which has been incredibly taxing on the forearms.

The leaves have since been swept-up. Have a good weekend.
You seem to have a talent for photography, Guy. Good luck with the competition.
I don’t Heather, but thanks for the compliment. That sunrise one just worked out somehow.
Have a good weekend as well, Guy. Of course, you say the leaves have been swept up.
You too, John. I’ll provide photographic evidence next week, by which time I’ll have them swept up …
Yes. Sounds right. Thanks, Guy