Port, Pigeons & Pooches.
Christmas is fast encroaching. Perhaps you are the type to get your presents well in advance, or maybe you are more the last minute kind of person. Personally, I like to prepare early. I’m boring that way.
These vintage ports are to be Christmas gifts. They are budget vintage ports, but vintage ports none the less.

These pigeons poled up on my lawn yesterday morning for breakfast.

How about this for a vantage point.

Trigga likes this spot as he stays dry here when it’s raining, and it more often than not is.

These are all his towels. It seems an insane amount for one dog but it’s muddy out there.

My desktop computer’s been acting up recently. I also have a MacBook (laptop). However, the constricted keyboard gives me tendonitis. It’s strange because I typed several books on it and was unaffected, but once the condition reared its ugly head there was no going back. The tendonitis returns whenever I revert to the MacBook. It is a bit like malaria in that regard. I just got this new ergonomic keyboard to rectify the matter and my friend has lent me a monitor. This will hopefully prove to be a great short-term solution.

Is that the time? I best get going, I’ve got a Christmas cake to buy.
Those ports look lovely. It’s one of my favourite tipples, especially at Christmas. I find it difficult to type on my laptop so I use a keyboard and separate mouse with it. I don’t think laptops are very ergonomic and probably not meant for the amount of typing that authors do.
You are no doubt correct, Heather. Have a good weekend.
Happy Weekend, Guy
You too, John.
Oooh looking forward to receiving my bottle of port…I assume you are sending them out to all your readers? hehe
No Jason, my readers are getting White Lightning.