Fauna, Feasts, Feathers, Fiction & Flora
I’m really getting into this whole alliteration thing. Not sure titles of this ilk are effective in driving traffic to my blog, but c’est la vie. Let’s begin with the fauna. Yes, it’s another photo of a deer. The best to date in my opinion.
Anyone else like vegetable samosa? They’re one of my favourites, and this is coming from a carnivore. Consumed the rest of the Indian takeaway before taking any photos, so this shot of the samosas will have to suffice.
I was surprised to find this gargantuan feather in my garden. There are no birds sporting feathers that big to be found here, unless there’s an ostrich hiding somewhere. I assume it was shed from a passing heron, or was carried in by crows, who have a habit of collecting random things. The trainer is included as a point of comparison.
Here is Trigga inspecting our new bit of garden. It was only sown recently. It has grown quickly what with all the rain there’s been. It’s a bit patchy though and will need some more seed after its first mow.
Of late, I have had the misfortune of reading some rather poor books. However, I am poised to begin this controversial novel. It has received praise and condemnation in equal measure. You’ve probably heard of American Dirt.
Time to baptise the new lawn. Have a good weekend.
Have a great weekend, Guy. How do you baptize a lawn? Gin, Wine, or the byproduct of same?
Insecticide. You too, John.
Ah. Hadn’t thought of that.