Misanthropic Ramblings
If I had as many interactions with people as I do deer, I would be considered a sociable creature. Take this morning for instance. Was barely out my garden when I stumbled across these three. Fortunately, deer don’t comment on the weather or I’d be sick to death of them by now.
And here are yesterday’s.
And Wednesday’s.
You get the point. Admittedly, some of them are no doubt the same deer. My dog doesn’t chase these deer (roe) if I tell him not to. The muntjack (little deer – invasive species from the Far East) are a different story. Muntjack are like a red flag to a bull for Trigga.
Here is an arboretum I visited last weekend. Note the fencing around the trees. It’s to stop the deer eating them.
Here is a shot of my desk. My summerhouse cum office is proving to be a tranquil working environment. I have written 1.5 books so far this year. Of course rewriting may be necessary.
Currently, I am reading a crime caper by Carl Hiassen, the famous humour author. It is proving to be something of a revelation, having never read any of his books. I think I prefer more subtle humour. It’s laid on a bit thick for me, though I appreciate how easy to read his writing is, and the pacing is impeccable.
Have a good weekend.
Some great shots of the deer, Guy.
I can thank the deer for that, Heather.
The photos were fun, Guy. In that second photo is that a camera mounted on the tree or a signal device?
No idea, John. Can’t say I’ve noticed. I only see branches.
I like the Dark Side of the Moon mouse pad
and of course those deer are cute! Tell me about the invasive species… so they were brought over at some point? Or??
Muntjac were introduced to Woburn Park in Bedfordshire in 1838 and are now everywhere, Tara. They don’t tend to stick around when they see people.
Oh wow. You’d think after generations like that, they’d be used to us! Fascinating stuff, Guy!
They’ve been shot and preyed on by dogs, as they are a pest species. I think that’s why they’re not keen us, but I may be wide of the mark.