Guy Portman's Blog

Another Week Bites The Dust

This week’s blog post is being written in a frantic rush. Storm clouds are gathering and I need to get substantial cutting done in the garden before the ground is deluged. I might not get another chance for quite some time. To compound matters, I have pulled or possibly severed the muscle on the inside of my thigh. It’s the abductor magnus I believe. Things like this never used to happen when I was young.

It’s been a few weeks since I posted a picture of a deer. Here is one I took a few days back.

Here is Trigga at a small pond we stumbled across the other day.

Another week; another kebab.

I had Indian last week. Vegetable samosas are one of my favourites.

The drink is a King Cobra. Standard Cobra is a great beer to have with curry, due to it not being fizzy. However, King Cobra is another matter. This beer/champagne hybrid is pretentious plonk. I will not be consuming it again.

It’s a dog’s life.

That rain could be on the way, and there’s the darkness too. It’s that time of year. So, I better run. Have a good weekend.

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