Time For A Change.
I started this blog on March 12th, 2012. The first ever post was about my recent trip to Miami – Miami: Day One. For the past nine-and-a-half years, I have written a blog post every Friday without fail, with the exception of one occasion due to technical issues.
The plan was to keep blogging until the end of my days. However, this week I made the decision to take a break. I’ve just had enough. The thing feels stale, stagnant, listless, and of little use in promoting my titles. I have no inclination to try and increase my presence on WordPress, as I feel that my energies could be put to better use elsewhere.
The blog will still be online. As for the book reviews section, I will continue to update this with reviews of books I’ve read. There are currently over 130 reviews. But, until I have a change of heart, or big news to bring you, I will not be writing blog posts.
The plan is get on with other stuff. I have written two books this year. Both of which need editing, and won’t be released for quite some time yet. In other news, The Necropolis Trilogy is poised to be remastered. #1 Necropolis will be removed from sale, rewritten and then put back up as a new title. A new cover may be necessary and a reworded blurb too. Hopefully, parts #2 and #3 just need a bit of work and won’t require uploading as new books. This way, I can keep the sterling reviews, which #1 Necropolis never achieved. Perhaps this was inevitable, as it was only the second book I ever wrote.
This is what I tell myself every morning when I wake up – The world will embrace the new and improved Dyson Devereux. Readers will be engrossed from the beginning and eager to read the entire trilogy.
It’s called positive visualisation. OIympic athletes do it all the time. And I’m talking about the successful ones, not Eddie The Eagle, or that swimmer from The Guinea.
I also have plans to write another two books in the near future. By this time next year, I aim to have twelve books out.
It is time for a reset. I will still be visiting your blogs; the few of you who still visit mine regularly that is.
Have a good weekend.
Sorry to see you go but if you think your blog is stale then you must do what you think is the right thing. I have enjoyed your posts and your books. Stay well and best wishes.
Thanks John. I will still be dropping by your blog, just not every week.
Well Guy, I come back on to WordPress and you’re stepping away. I can’t say I don’t understand… because I do… but I was rather enjoying your Friday posts. Maybe you could sometimes reschedule old posts just to keep us coming back??
Now there’s an idea, Tara. I will still post occasionally when I have news, and of course will still be paying visits to your popular blog.
Pleased to hear you have returned to the world of WordPress.
Also a little sad to see you go. BUT appreciate the entertainment you’ve provided for so many years and look forward to new work from you. Curious to read a new Necropolis- I still love the original version of Dyson, which always makes me laugh on re-reading. Happy Change Day, Guy!
Thank you, Sue. I remember you reading ‘Necropolis’ all those years ago. Will still be posting reviews of books I’ve read on here, and hopefully
revamping the ‘My Books’ section. Have a good weekend. It has stopped raining, here at least.
Good luck matey, looking forward to see what you change about Dyson. I is a big fan of his
Thank you Jason, you were one of my first readers. Dyson will be back new and improved.