
I write darkly humorous, satirical fiction for readers seeking an acerbic antidote to our absurd and woke-obsessed world. I have written twelve books.

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As far back as anyone can remember, I have been an introverted creature with an insatiable appetite for knowledge and a dark sense of humour.

My childhood was spent in London watching cold war propaganda gems such as He Man. My adolescence entailed being confined in various institutions. As for my ‘career’, it has been colourful but not lucrative. I am a keen and cynical social observer.

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‘Takes our current foibles and obsessions to their logical, gruesome and absurd conclusions’ – Adam Riley, Comedian

‘This book will certainly have you turning the pages to see what happens next …’ – The Daily Squib


I have written twelve books. Click on the links to discover more – Amazon UK, Amazon US, Amazon CA.

Click here to see a short video of me reading from #1 in the Necropolis Series.




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