Category - Other

Sweets, Sport, Scenery & Submission.
Titbits, Tissues & Turmoil.
Port, Pigeons & Pooches.
Winter Wonderland & Encroaching Christmas
Sunsets, Sunrises & Prizes To Be Won.
Writing, Lockdown, Stuff Breaking & A Surprise Visitor.
Fauna, Fireworks, Fiction & Flu.
Topiary, Tidbits & A Treasure Trove
Postponing, Feasting & Netflixing
Torrential Rain, Transgressive Fiction & Culinary Delights.

Sweets, Sport, Scenery & Submission.

When it comes to cake, I tend to stick to chocolate. But variety is the spice of life, so they say. The other day, I had a sponge cake for a change. It was a birthday cake – not mine. It was rich and delicious.

Last Sunday, I indulged in some FA Cup in the bath. Tottenham Hotspur vs Marine. Very much a case of David vs Goliath. It wasn’t particularly entertaining.

I really appreciate being able to get outside during Lockdown.

My dog’s always been a fan of this spot. Last time I clambered up here, I fell off. The moss is pretty slippery when it’s wet. I won’t be trying it again anytime soon.

Green tea – one of life’s little pleasures. Rarely go a day without drinking the stuff.

A new author for a new year. This is the first book I’ve read by arrogant Frenchman and Islamophobe Houellebecq. Quite enjoying it so far.

Have a good weekend.

Titbits, Tissues & Turmoil.

We are in Lockdown yet again here in the UK, and it looks like it’s going to be the state of play for quite some time yet. As for me, I’ve adapted to it. I’m nothing if not versatile. Living in the countryside does make it easier in my opinion.

Something was interesting Trigga out there. He was stationed by the window for ages. Likely it was a squirrel, pigeon or pheasant.

The first kebab of 2021.

Anyone else a fan of baklava?

I’ve been doing some healthy eating too, in an effort to shift the layer of Xmas cake and baklava-induced fat from the waistline.

Here’s a tuna and egg salad I prepared earlier.

I went a little overboard with the broccoli one day and had to enlist some help to eat it.

The riot on Capital Hill was extraordinary. I wonder what Abraham Lincoln would have thought of it. In the future it could be viewed as an iconic moment in the demise of democracy.

I went to the supermarket the other day and it was the usual story. No Original Kleenex. It seems the stuff is becoming as rare as Amur Leopards. There’s alway loads of Balsam and Soft Kleenex, but no one wants it hence why there’s loads of it on the shelves I guess. Personally, I’d rather have no Kleenex than the balsam variety.

There’s been a cold snap here and I have been enjoying having fires in the evenings.

Have a good weekend.

Port, Pigeons & Pooches.

Christmas is fast encroaching. Perhaps you are the type to get your presents well in advance, or maybe you are more the last minute kind of person. Personally, I like to prepare early. I’m boring that way.

These vintage ports are to be Christmas gifts. They are budget vintage ports, but vintage ports none the less.

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These pigeons poled up on my lawn yesterday morning for breakfast.

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How about this for a vantage point.

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Trigga likes this spot as he stays dry here when it’s raining, and it more often than not is.

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These are all his towels. It seems an insane amount for one dog but it’s muddy out there.

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My desktop computer’s been acting up recently. I also have a MacBook (laptop). However, the constricted keyboard gives me tendonitis. It’s strange because I typed several books on it and was unaffected, but once the condition reared its ugly head there was no going back. The tendonitis returns whenever I revert to the MacBook. It is a bit like malaria in that regard. I just got this new ergonomic keyboard to rectify the matter and my friend has lent me a monitor. This will hopefully prove to be a great short-term solution.

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Is that the time? I best get going, I’ve got a Christmas cake to buy.

Winter Wonderland & Encroaching Christmas

We are approaching Christmas and the end of what has been a wretched year for mankind. For us Brits we have the prospect of a no-deal Brexit to look forward to. So much for Johnson and Gove’s bravado. It appears to have been mere bluster. Things are looking bleak, in the short term at any rate.

As for me, I must confess that I have had a particularly unproductive week. It has consisted of online Christmas shopping, a trip to the clay pigeon school and a lot of day dreaming.

There is something enticing about the meek light of an afternoon winter’s sun.

When I go out for my morning walks, the moon has not yet gone to bed.

It’s misty in the woods when it has been raining.

The other day, I was looking out of my home office’s window when I noticed this remarkable sky.

Enough of the great outdoors. Let’s move on to TV remotes. Frequenters of this blog will be aware that only the other week I got a new ‘waterproof’ remote for my bathroom television. And now look at the state of it:

Might as well have used a non-waterproof one. A replacement is in the post I am told.

What a cozy spot.

I’ve been getting into the Christmas Spirit. It’s goose.

Sunsets, Sunrises & Prizes To Be Won.

The moon made an appearance a little after 15:30 the other day. It’s that time of year.

This was a spectacular sunrise to wake up to on Wednesday morning.

Are you interested in winning a bundle of crime fiction and a new Ereader? If you are a member of BookBub, you are eligible to enter. The books include one of mine. Here is the link:

Win a Bundle of Crime Fiction & Thrillers!

2020 might be the second hottest year ever on record, but it’s pretty chilly here at the moment. Perfect weather to enjoy a latte in front of a twenty quid electric faux fire from Amazon.

Don’t know about you, but I am big fan of pigeon breast salad. Few virtually no carb meals taste as good. Here’s one I prepared earlier.

It had been a while since I ate pancakes.

The dog’s had a few treats too. Here he is poised to tuck into a pig’s ear.

This is the time of year to be merry. It is also the time of year to do pruning. I have pruned my trees by hand which has been incredibly taxing on the forearms.

The leaves have since been swept-up. Have a good weekend.

Writing, Lockdown, Stuff Breaking & A Surprise Visitor.

We’re just over a week into Lockdown here in the UK. Everything is uncertain at the moment.

‘When did the future shift from being a promise to a threat’ – Chuck Palahniuk

As for me, I have penned an initial draft of a dark fiction book similar in format to my latest release, The Gazebo. We’ll see what the beta readers have to say about it, but regardless it (name pending) won’t be released for quite some time yet.

The bicycle is out of action until new parts arrive.

So the dog is making do solely with walks.

When it is not dark and/or raining, this can be a pleasant time of year.

You know how when one thing breaks, everything seems to. The TV remote for the bathroom has packed in. I was familiar with limescale in kettles, but did not know until now that water-based TV remotes suffer from the same affliction. A new one is on the way.

The first mince pies of the season. They won’t be the last.

Anyone else a fan of Moretti?

The surprise visitor frequented my new birdfeeder earlier this week.

It is a great spotted woodpecker.

Fauna, Fireworks, Fiction & Flu.

I finally got around to getting a bird-feeder. Its first visitor was this blue tit.

Everyone likes a free lunch. News has spread quickly and the feeder is now being frequented by coal tits and great tits, in addition to an abundance of blue tits. Photos to follow. I will relish the additional company during Lockdown. The flu’s back and our once great nation is in Lockdown for four weeks.

After a period of ghastly weather, Lockdown has coincided with some sunshine.

A ray of light in a bleak world.

I did manage to get a few fireworks in on Thursday.

This work of Transgressive Fiction is going down a treat.

Have a good weekend.

Topiary, Tidbits & A Treasure Trove

Let’s start with the topiary. This bonsaiesque tree resides outside my front door. It has been looking magnificent this autumn.

The rain has been incessant of late and the garden is saturated. This photo was taken during a brief respite.

Yesterday I got really close to deer. If they knew how much I liked venison, they would probably keep their distance.

The dog isn’t allowed to chase them, much to his chagrin. Here he is enjoying a siesta.

The French might be hapless when it comes to cultural harmony, but when it comes to food … Anyone else like croissants?

Now for the treasure trove. The ‘Scary Fun Books’ bonanza ends tomorrow (Sat 31st). You’ll find one of mine here at the discounted price of 99p/99c.

Scary Fun Books Link

Have a good weekend.

Postponing, Feasting & Netflixing

It’s that time of year again. Few things are as pleasurable as a fire.

Here are some more deer that I saw on my morning walk the other day. There is an abundance of roe here at the moment and a fair few muntjac about too.

Few combinations are better than tea and Maltesers.

Another day; another snack.

Don’t know about you, but I’ve been doing a lot of postponing of late. While I’ve been writing a lot, I have put off a load of other things.

The last week or so has entailed a Netflix frenzy.

Dirty Money has proven to be particularly intriguing and disturbing. The episode about the Kushners will live long in my memory. Bad Boy Billionaires: India is also interesting.

The Netflix splurge is due to end. I need to concentrate on finding new readers and getting reviews for my books amongst other things. Have a good weekend.

Torrential Rain, Transgressive Fiction & Culinary Delights.

It’s absolutely pouring out there. On a day like this, one just wants to lie around in a hot bath, or watch Netflix. Not sure this photo in any way captures the severity of the current downpour, but for better or worse here it is.

The dog is also feeling lethargic today.

I am an avid consumer of fish fingers. However, it’d been a long time since I had fishcakes.

Prior to the weather turning horrendous, I came across these pheasants near my house feasting on birdseed.

Anyone a fan of carrot cake? For some reason I was under the impression that I couldn’t stand the stuff; so it was a pleasant surprise last weekend to discover I was sorely mistaken.

This week I purged my mailing list. It had a lot of dead weight. Now it’s time to start building it up again.

I have also been reading. Not sure how it took me so long to get around to reading this, as I am something of an Easton Ellis fan. So far, so good.

Currently, I am seeking reviews for my books, especially the latest one. If you have read any of my books, a short review on Amazon or elsewhere would be much appreciated. Reviews are vital to us authors for finding new readers.

Have a good weekend.

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