Geek Love by Katherine Dunn – Reviewed by Guy Portman

The Binewski clan run a travelling carnival. In this proud family of geeks, ‘norms’ are frowned upon. Its members include Siamese twin girls, a domineering, finned ‘aqua’ boy named Arty, a child with telekinetic powers, and our protagonist – bald, hunchbacked, albino dwarf Olympia. Their parents created the unusual brood with the assistance of drugs, pesticides and exposure to radiation.
The story consists of two merged time periods. One revolves around Olympia’s teenage daughter. The other is an account of the dysfunctional Binewski family. We follow their adventures, escapades, rivalries and endless disagreements. Casting a shadow over everything is megalomaniac Arty. As for the content, it is in equal part droll, depressing, disturbing and downright disgusting.
It was the macabre subject matter and purported dark humour that drew this reader to the five-hundred-page tome. However, the numerous subplots, endless meandering and scarcity of dialogue were not to his liking. This unique family saga promised much, but delivered little.