Out of the London Mist by Lyssa Medana – Reviewed by Guy Portman

Aether pilot and reluctant aristocrat John Farnley has received bad news. His brother has been murdered in East London. John is confused as to what his privileged sibling was doing in this desolate, destitute and dangerous part of town. He is determined to get to the bottom of what happened.
It transpires that a refugee rabbi has made a monster to protect his long-suffering people from persecution. Could this creation have something to do with the murder? With the assistance of tomboy associate Sylvia, John employs his knowledge of the aether currents to locate the monster in the fog-besieged East End.
The book boasts an unusual premise and an atmospheric, Gothic setting. Excessive detail is devoted to food and domestic arrangements. Another objection is that the author is prone to telling as opposed to showing. Overall though, this reader found Out of the London Mist to be an imaginative and intriguing read.