Quite Ugly One Morning by Christopher Brookmyre – Reviewed by Guy Portman

A member of an esteemed Edinburgh medical family has been discovered murdered and missing a finger. When hungover investigative journalist Jack Parlabane stumbles upon the gruesome scene, he is determined to get to the bottom of what happened. His ensuing investigation encompasses interactions with a range of diverse characters from every level of the city’s social strata; this in addition to an evolving relationship with the deceased doctor’s ex-wife. The heavy-drinking, unconventional Parlabane is prepared to use any means to solve the complex case. His unusual methods culminate in some bizarre situations.
Published in 1996, Quite Ugly One Morning is a police procedural type book replete with dry wit, anti-Thatcherite sentiment, a realistic depiction of the UK’s National Health Service and some entertaining dialogue. However, while this light read purports to be a comedy-cum-crime caper, it excels at neither. This is primarily due to the excessive analysis, profanity and over-abundance of toilet humour.