Guy Portman's Blog

****: The Anatomy of Melancholy

****: The Anatomy of Melancholy by Matthew Selwyn – Reviewed by Guy Portman

Our youthful protagonist is a product of the digital age. Unlimited electronic stimulation courtesy of the Internet has left him saturated with sexual images and burdened with unrealistic expectations, resulting in a lingering discontent with the world. We follow his cynical and misogynistic observations, which take the form of a diatribe against society. Despite his inherent flaws the reader is able to empathise with him due to his inherent humanity.

This is a concise, non-plot based novel in which the boundaries between reality and fantasy are blurred. Visceral and replete with pornographic anecdotes, profanity and colloquialisms, ****: The Anatomy of Melancholy can be viewed as an allegory for an ultimately dissatisfied generation that has been afflicted by the Internet.

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