Tag - bizarre religious titles

10 Absurd Religious Books

10 Absurd Religious Books

This week sees the second instalment in my Ludicrous Religious Books series. Here are 10 more ludicrous religious-themed books. I have added pithy/fictitious comments below each.


Dancing with Jesus

Do you ever feel embarrassed by something, even though you are not responsible for it in any way, shape or form.


A Holistic Approach to Exorcism

Finally, I was getting so tired of specialised approaches to exorcism.


Does GOD Ever Speak through CATS?

Cat: ‘Meow! Meow! Purr, purr…’

Person: ‘That’s God speaking. Sssh, let me listen.’

Cat: ‘Hiss! Meow! meow … Hiss! hiss! MEOW!’

Person: ‘YES! I was right all along — God just said polygamy is virtuous.’


The Beginner’s Guide to Sex in the Afterlife 

Sex in the Afterlife — that is just way a fancy way of saying necrophilia.


Helping The Retarded To Know God 

And the winner of the most offensive book title is…


The Tabloid Bible

Penned by religious humorist Nick Page, The Tabloid Bible parodies the sensationalist nature of tabloid newspapers.


What Really Happened to the Dinosaurs?

This creationist title teaches children that dinosaurs were roaming The Earth with the rest of us pre-flood. Note evolutionary-defier Tracker John riding on his pet dinosaur DJ.


God’s Masturbation Solution

Penned by M. L. Brown — Reverend and masturbation connoisseur.


Bobbed Hair, Bossy Wives, and Women Preachers

Dr John R. Rice’s fire and brimstone sermon is directed at bossy wives, women preachers and women with bobbed hair.


21 Reasons Why Christians Should Speak in Tongues

Reason 1: If you are a Christian aspiring to be admitted to a mental health facility, then tongues…

Reason 2: Having an additional language on your CV is no bad thing.


There will be a final instalment in a few weeks time.

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