Tag - Coronavirus lockdown

Lockdown: Light At The End Of The Tunnel.
Coronavirus: Weathering The Storm
Living With Covid-19

Lockdown: Light At The End Of The Tunnel.

The news here in the UK is that the lockdown is poised to be relaxed soon. What form this will take, only time will tell. Other European countries are beginning to return to normal, or at least a new normal, so it’s inevitable we’ll follow suit now new cases of Covid-19 are falling fast.

What are you most looking forward to doing when lockdown ends? For me – getting a haircut.

And what am I least looking forward to? The inevitable increase in taxes.

This week I’ve been catching up with my book reviews for the books I’ve read this year. The six new reviews will be making an appearance on my blog soon. If you haven’t already, you might be interested in the 165 reviews I’ve written (see My Reviews section). I’ve also been jogging and weight training. Here is my dog waiting for me to catch up on a run in the woods.

And here’s an inquisitive deer looking into my garden.

I’ve been drinking Corona. Couldn’t resist Tesco’s ten quid box offer of the stuff. If there’s a better warm weather beer out there, I am yet to try it.

Yesterday, I was pleased to see a duck on the tiny pond I recently dug out in my garden.

Lockdown is obviously proving pretty trying for people, particularly those stuck in small apartments in the city, and I hope things improve for them soon. As for me, the lockdown hasn’t made much difference to my life thus far. What would I have been doing differently anyway? Not much. But knowing that others are also stuck at home makes me feel better. Selfish perhaps; but what is there in this world if not by comparison.

Visitors have been pouring into my blog of late. What does this mean? Not a lot. They are coming to read my articles and reviews of books, and have no interest in me, my mailing list, or the six books I’ve written. C’est la vie; better that than nothing I suppose. I’m used to obscurity after a lifetime of it. Perhaps one of these days I’ll monetise this blog. Maybe sign up for an affiliate program with book retailers. Until then hope springs eternal. Have a good weekend. Keep well and stay safe.


Coronavirus: Weathering The Storm

Much of the world is in coronavirus lockdown. Over the course of the last week, matters have only got worse. America is now being ravaged by the virus, and in India migrant workers have been controversially sprayed with disinfectant in an effort to stop the spread of Covid-19. We’re all hoping matters improve quickly, or many of us will be facing destitution.

One of my blog visitors has asked me to share his infographic (see link below) – ‘Weathering The Storm’. It contains useful tips on how to deal with lockdown, and some ideas on how to spend one’s time – many of us have a lot more of it after all. Prior to familiarising myself with this infographic, I was not aware that famous museums the world over are offering virtual tours. If you’ve ever wanted to visit Seoul’s National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, you can now do so from the comfort of your living room. It’s the only way in fact.

As for me, I’ve been using the opportunity to clear the garden. Exhausting, satisfying, never-ending toil is how it could best be described.

Some of the ground is covered in these rope like vines. Ripping them out of the ground is a great way to release Covid-19 lockdown-related angst.

There’s always something cathartic about a fire.

This seems like appropriate reading matter at a time like this.

I look forward to reviewing the book in due course.

I can never resist a serial killer. This keeps popping up everywhere. It’s next on my TBR.

After that it will be … (recommended by my mother).

Let’s hope this Covid-19 nightmare blows over soon. Normality may not be ideal, but it beats this.

Living With Covid-19

I don’t have Covid-19, but Boris Johnson does. He’s suffering mild symptoms and is working from home. Tomorrow he might even be well enough to pop out to the supermarket for some ‘essential’ shopping.

It’s been a grim week for near on all of us. For me personally the magnitude of the coronavirus hit home when I heard that 3.3m Americans had filed for unemployment last week, and that 769 people had died in a single day in Spain from the disease.

As is the case with most people, I am concerned about finances. I’ve taken so much for granted, and now it may be gone. There’s a fair bit of work going on in my garden. Once it’s done, I’m battening down the hatches. The extension will have to wait – perhaps indefinitely.

How’s your self-isolation working out? I’ve been doing a fair bit of reading. I need my transgressive fiction at a time like this.

Gardening has also been on the agenda. The weather has been glorious here in the UK – sunny days and cold nights.

What a find …

Today, at lunchtime I went to the extortionately priced farm shop to get something for tea. It took nearly half an hour to gain entry due to only five people being allowed in at a time.

We are constantly being told that only ‘essential’ shopping should be taking place. Inside the farm shop, I found myself pondering whether octopus can be classified as essential.

Well, if you’re poised to perish from Covid-19, and don’t fancy being ransacked by the state for death-duties, £16.95 packs of octopus could be deemed ‘essential’.

One can’t have enough of the stuff.

Doggy has been enjoying some sunbathing. He’s been stoically coping with the Covid-19 lockdown, though he has not been impressed with the 20% picture quality reduction on Netflix. He has embarked on barking tirades whenever I switch it on.

There are far worse places to be for a stint of self-isolation than the countryside. I am really grateful to be able to get outdoors at a time like this.

As if searing heat, abysmal hygiene and grinding poverty aren’t bad enough at the best of times … Just imagine being in lockdown in a cramped Delhi hovel with three generations of your hand-to-mouth earning family. If you venture outside, you’ll face the wrath of the cane-wielding Delhi Police. I’ve only ever spent a few days in the city, but for some reason I keep imagining what the Covid-19 lockdown is like there, and other similar places.

I’ve sold a handful of my darkly humorous offerings this week, all on Amazon US for some reason.

Have a good weekend. And if that isn’t possible under the current conditions, have a tolerable one.

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