13 Bizarre Books
This 50,000+ word lipogram novel claims not to use the letter e.
How many e’s can you spot on the front cover?
Highlights in the History of Concrete
If you’re going to go to the trouble of writing a book about the history of concrete, you might as well tell the whole story.
Sexual Analysis of Dickens’ Props
I always knew that chair in Oliver Twist had sexual connotations, but no one would listen.
The Big Book Of Lesbian Horse Stories
One Amazon reviewer claims that The Big Book Of Lesbian Horse Stories is merely a normal sized book of lesbian horse stories.
Latawnya, the Naughty Horse, Learns to Say “No” to Drugs
This is how I imagine Latawnya the Naughty Horse learns how to say ‘No’ to drugs.
Someone walks into Latawnya’s stable holding some drugs.
Person: ‘Hi Latawnya you naughty horse, would you like some drugs?’
Latawnya: ‘Neighhhh.’
‘Let’s try that again shall we. Would you like some drugs?’
‘Would you like some drugs?’
Latawyna has learnt to say no to drugs. Have you?
Castration: The Advantages and the Disadvantages
You mean to say there are disadvantages.
How to Speak Cat: The Essential Primer of Cat Language
Purr whilst rubbing against someone if you want something, arch your back and hiss if you are angry, meow for everything else.
Anybody Can Be Cool– But Awesome Takes Practice
Oh, awesome takes practice! That explains why I’ve been stuck on cool for so long.
Don’t go on cruises or swim in harbours.
Why not indeed!
How Green Were the Nazis?: Nature, Environment, and Nation in the Third Reich
The Nazis may have killed millions of people, but when it came to recycling…
Dating for Under a Dollar: 301 Ideas
Go to McDonald’s with your date and order a grilled onion cheddar burger from the dollar menu, then pull out 99c and plead until they let you off the 1c. Now cut the burger in 2 and give her/him half, but with all the onions.
Date: ‘All the onions? That’s so kind. Are you sure?’
You: ‘Yes I’m sure. Now eat them before I change my mind.’
Does GOD Ever Speak through CATS?
Cat: ‘Meow! Meow! Purr, purr, meow, hiss! MEOW! MEOW!’
Person: ‘Are you sure God? We already have 10 Commandments, do we really need an 11th?’