Authors As Desserts V
Karl Marx
Corresponding dessert: Guriev Porridge
Rationale: It is widely believed that this frugal Russian dessert was invented by a serf chef.
Ambrose Bierce
Corresponding dessert: Lemon sorbet
Rationale: Few desserts are more acerbic.
Barbara Cartland
Corresponding dessert: Valentine’s Cookies
Rationale: These pink, heart-shaped morsels all taste the same.
James Joyce
Corresponding dessert: Perfect St. Patrick’s Day Cake
Rationale: This decadent, multi-layered cake is made from Guinness, Irish Cream and bittersweet chocolate.
Franz Kafka
Corresponding dessert: Sourdough Cake
Rationale: This dessert offering might not taste sweet, but it does taste good.
Sophie Kinsella
Corresponding dessert: Pink Waffle
Rationale: Pretty, pink desserts containing little more than air are not for everyone.
Jane Austen
Corresponding dessert: Lemon Drizzle Cake
Rationale: This traditional English offering is bitter yet appetising.
Jilly Cooper
Corresponding dessert: Jam Roly Poly
Rationale: This warm, sticky dessert is a staple of the English upper classes.