Authors As Desserts V
Karl Marx
Corresponding dessert: Guriev Porridge
Rationale: It is widely believed that this frugal Russian dessert was invented by a serf chef.
Ambrose Bierce
Corresponding dessert: Lemon sorbet
Rationale: Few desserts are more acerbic.
Barbara Cartland
Corresponding dessert: Valentine’s Cookies
Rationale: These pink, heart-shaped morsels all taste the same.
James Joyce
Corresponding dessert: Perfect St. Patrick’s Day Cake
Rationale: This decadent, multi-layered cake is made from Guinness, Irish Cream and bittersweet chocolate.
Franz Kafka
Corresponding dessert: Sourdough Cake
Rationale: This dessert offering might not taste sweet, but it does taste good.
Sophie Kinsella
Corresponding dessert: Pink Waffle
Rationale: Pretty, pink desserts containing little more than air are not for everyone.
Jane Austen
Corresponding dessert: Lemon Drizzle Cake
Rationale: This traditional English offering is bitter yet appetising.
Jilly Cooper
Corresponding dessert: Jam Roly Poly
Rationale: This warm, sticky dessert is a staple of the English upper classes.
Excellent, Guy. I enjoyed the dessert selection. Happy weekend.
Thank you John. You too.
Very clever and witty, Guy.
Thank you Heather.
Authors as desserts – a bizarre but hilarious idea. Karl Marx & Jilly Cooper are my favourites. Never read any Bierce though seen some of his quotes on your Twitter feed and can appreciate why he is lemon sorbet.
Pleased to hear that I chose some appropriate desserts Trina. Bierce was evidently a humorous but very cynical individual.