7 More Books I Wouldn’t Be Seen Dead Reading In Public
When in public drawing concern to the fragile state of one’s mental health is ill-advised.
I read the backs of cartons, chocolate bar wrappers and the writing contained on packets of crisps, but I do not read Sidney Sheldon let alone in public.
If your aim is to free up the seats on either side of you on the bus/tube/subway then great, but if not then keep this title stowed away on your bedside table.
Justin Bieber First Step 2 Forever: My Story
If I was a teenage girl then I might well not want to be seen in public without this book, but I am not…
I am already familiar with the subject matter, so I wouldn’t be tempted to read this in public, or anywhere in fact. Might I suggest that anyone who wants to discover more about ‘the joy’ read this in private.
Reading Danielle Steel in private is a traumatic experience, but in public…
This book may be brimming with ‘proven strategies to help you regain control of your life’, but they are best consumed in private.
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