Authors As Desserts VI
I have also written the sixth instalment in my series; authors and the desserts that in my opinion they/their writing corresponds to. Here are 8 authors and their corresponding desserts.
James Patterson
Patterson is one of the best-selling authors of all time.
Corresponding dessert: Vanilla ice-cream
Rationale: Vanilla ice-cream might not be the most enthralling dessert in the world, but many of us eat it all the same.
Emily Dickinson
This prolific American poet and recluse had a penchant for baking.
Corresponding dessert: Hermit Cookies
Paulo Coelho
Coelho is the best-selling Portuguese language author of all time.
Corresponding dessert: Pastel de nata
Rationale: This egg tart pastry dessert is extremely popular throughout the Portuguese-speaking world.
Helen Fielding
Chick lit author Fielding penned Bridget Jones’s Diary.
Corresponding dessert: Pink Cupcakes
Rationale: Pink cupcakes are so pretty you almost don’t want to eat them.
Jim Thompson
Jim Thompson is one of the greatest ‘pulp’ authors of all time.
Corresponding dessert: Mango Pulp
Rationale: This dessert might be pulp but it tastes sweet.
Charles Dickens
Harrowing realism was the order of the day for England’s greatest ever author.
Corresponding dessert: Dessert porridge
Thomas Hardy
Hardy was an English novelist and poet best known for Tess of the d’Ubervilles and Far from the Madding Crowd.
Corresponding dessert: Black Rice Pudding
Rationale: This dessert might be unabated in its blackness but it tastes good.
Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter’s seven best-sellers include Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right and If Democrats Had Any Brains, They’d Be Republicans.
Corresponding dessert: Cobblers