Guy Portman's Blog

If Authors Were Desserts IV

This week we return to the subject of authors and the desserts that in my opinion their writing corresponds to. Here are 8 authors and their corresponding desserts.

Leo TolstoyTolstoy

Iconic Russian writer Tolstoy is best-remembered for his opuses Anna Karenina and War And Peace.

Corresponding dessert: Heavy Cake

Heavy Cake(Courtesy of Pudsy You Like)

Rationale: Heavy Cake is dense and requires a lot of chewing, but it tastes good.


Anne RiceRice

The Vampire Chronicles creator is one of the best-selling writers in recent American history.

Corresponding dessert: Jelly

Jelly(Courtesy of Reddit)

Rationale: Right-minded adults steer clear of this puerile dessert.


William S. BurroughsWilliamBurroughs

The Beat author’s later works utilise a non-linear style.

Corresponding dessert: Upside-Down Cake

Upside Down(Courtesy of Zahlicious)

Rationale: Upside-down it might be, but this cake has many tasty ingredients.


Jude DeverauxDeveraux

Some of this prolific American writer’s historical romances feature paranormal themes and time travel.

Corresponding dessert: Fudge Cake

(Courtesy of Gastronomy Domine)

Rationale: To make this dessert all you have to do is get a load of fudge and bung some chocolate on top.


Norman Mailer

Cultural criticism, controversy and obscenity were hallmarks of this volatile and violent  author.

Corresponding dessert: Fruitcake

(Courtesy of

Rationale: Self-explanatory


Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Themes in Solzhenitsyn’s writing include gulags, political oppression and cancer.

Corresponding dessert: Black Bun

(Courtesy of Baking For Britain)

Rationale: Many people would no doubt prefer a dessert with brighter colours, but not me.


Stephen King

This master of horror and suspense is adored the World over.

Corresponding dessert: Devil’s Food Cake

(Courtesy of Always Foodie)

Rationale: The Devil’s voice is sweet to hear. And his cake tastes pretty good too.


Sidney Sheldon

Chick lit/Thriller author Sheldon is the one of the best-selling authors of all time.

Corresponding dessert: Wafer

(Courtesy of Bar Bakers)

Rationale: With their primary ingredient being air, wafers won’t satisfy one’s hunger.

Click here to read Part III


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My novels include the satirical black comedy, Necropolis.

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