Bizarre Book Titles | Guy Portman's Blog

Tag - Bizarre Book Titles

Bizarre Books VI
Bizarre Books V

Bizarre Books VI

This week sees the sixth and final instalment of my bizarre books series. As with previous instalments I have added pithy/fictitious comments below each.

And now for the 10 bizarre books:

Dancing with Cats


A sure way to attract the attention of the men in white coats.


Hog Manure Management


If you like hogs and manure this is the book for you. If not you might want to consider a different title.


What About Christian Rock?


What about it? No, do not press play.


25 Placenta Recipes

Finally! I have been growing so tired of plain boiled placentas.


People Who Don’t Know They’re Dead


Otherwise known as ghosts.


Cards As Weapons


Using cards as throwing stars can be very useful when you are poised to lose money on a card game.


Semenology: The Semen Bartender’s Handbook


Let this book be a warning to all those who treat bartenders badly.


Mommy, Why is There a Server in the House?server

Mommy: ‘Since daddy left I have been feeling very lonely, and…’


Is It a Sin to Eat a Chocolate Bar? 

No, not if it is an organic, gluten-free, fair trade, sustainable farming WholeFoods chocolate bar.


Round Ireland with a fridge


Author: ‘If I knew it was going to be this difficult, I would have brought a suitcase instead.’

Bizarre Books V

Here are 10 more bizarre books. As with previous instalments, I have added pithy/fictitious comments below each.


It’s Not Going To Get Any Better When You Grow Up


Truer words were never spoken.


Mommy, Why is There a Server in the House?server

Mommy: ‘Since daddy left I have been feeling very lonely, and…’

 Reusing Old Graves


Step One: Turf out the occupier…


Mommy, Is It A Sin To Be Fat?


Kid:  ‘Mommy, is it a sin to be fat?’

Mommy: ‘It depends how fat.’


Outwitting Squirrels


Strategy One: Cover your bird feeder’s pole with glue.


How to Talk to Your Cat About Evolution


Talking to your cat about evolution is no different from talking to some Americans in the Midwest about evolution, i.e. futile.


Natural Harvest: A collection of semen-based recipes


That caramel pudding on the front cover is enough to put one off semen-based recipes for life.


How to Hold a Crocodile


First clasp the crocodile firmly with both hands. No, not by the jaws! … Snap … OW! HELP!


Castration Celebration


Wow, yeah! Castration celebrations are the best fun ever, but the blood loss is quite off-putting. And I am starting to feel rather faint.


Why Cats Paint


Why cats paint? Boredom mostly. Playing with balls of string and toying with mice can only keep them entertained so long.

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